Informal Announcement


Hi, from the creators of I know in my heart!

This is our first post! And we’re using it to informally announce the beginning of the creation of a new children’s picture book titled, I know in my heart.

The text for I Know in my heart has already been written and we just completed the creation of our characters, so we feel we finally have something to show you! 

Now, we’re not going to give away the whole thing just yet (we don’t want this gem to leak out before the book is even printed). But we will introduce ourselves, share some images of our characters and show some time-lapse videos of how those characters were created. We’ll also talk about the origin of the book and where we see it going, plus give away some great merchandise like t-shirts, artwork and maybe even copies of the book!

It’s just me and Nino, so we may not be able to churn out massive content like the more prolific publishers, but we will do our best to keep you updated with the book’s progress and ensure we all have fun watching it come to life!

Thank you for your support. Now, let’s change the world.


I’ve never seen a purple cow