“Friends!  I just have to share this with you…”

Okay. This one really got me...

Sabrina Rich Trantham, a third grade teacher in North Carolina, tagged me in this post about discovering “I know in my Heart”. 

Sabrina writes, “
Friends!  I just have to share this with you.  I was going through amazon a couple of weeks back and found this AMAZING book by Holt Webb.  From what I could tell about it, it would be a great beginning of the year book to read and share with my 3rd graders.  So, when I got it in the mail and read the entire thing, I knew immediately that this was going to be my new favorite!  It can (and will) teach love, compassion, understanding for others, kindness, patience....and endless other character traits.  I could not wait to start planning lessons to go along with this.  So, anytime that I "love" a book this much, I always want to know more about the author and get to know them and maybe where their idea for the story came from.  I looked the author up online and found out that he is a professional photographer (that has taken pictures of some people that I know) and that he lives in the North Georgia mountains.  I was given the opportunity to send the author, Holt Webb a message to let him know just how much I enjoyed his book and how I could not wait to use this in my classroom the first week of school.  I was not expecting a message in return, but in no time at all, he wrote me a response.  He is the most humble person....it was so very inspiring to hear back from him.  I want to share this book with you so I have copied and posted the link in this message.  I especially hope that all of my teacher friends will listen to this story and think it is as amazing as I did and see the many lessons that can be incorporated into building your classroom community. “ 


After the Art Show


I love seeing this…