Book delivery!

Book delivery! So excited!

(I apologize about the flickering lights. I had the camera set up incorrectly.)

Today I delivered 25 books to Leslie and Mark at Art Warehouse in Chattanooga, Tennessee! They will be donating the books to the Ronald McDonald House and the Chambilss Center for Children. Thank you so much for what you are doing for your community!

You see, this is how we're getting books into the hands of children. Of course, the book is on sale at and every book retailer, but we're going deeper!

We're partnering with businesses to donate books to schools, churches and family organizations around the country. We just started in July 2022 and have given away over 150 books so far! If you would like to know more about our Free Book program, visit our website:

#IKIMH #iknowinmyheart #picturebook #childrensbooks #bookstagram #picturebooks #kidsbook #raisingreaders #booksforkids #storytime #reading #readaloud #readtogether #newauthor #selfpublishing #newbook #newpicturebook #amazonbooksforkids #freebooks #bookdonation #ronaldmcdonaldhouse #chamblisscenter


The books are here for the signing at McBride’s!


After the Art Show